
Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh Chocolate Ganache where have you been?

When I got a request for a cake with Chocolate Ganache, I am going to be honest here, I was terrified! I had avoided it so far...but it was time to face the chocolate. I found a recipe, I followed it...and it seemed a little on the thin side. I let the cake set over night (not without some troublesome dreams!) and found it had set in the morning. You have no idea how relieved I was!

And since one of my chocolate customers (she loves chocolate cake, chocolate icing and chocolate fondant) ordered a cake as well, I figured. Why not? Why not do 2 cakes with chocolate ganache? Go big or go home right? Right!
So the cake above became the cake below...a chocolate chilli cake with chocolate ganache...a perfect choice for Mr. CB...maybe that's what we'll make for his birthday!
 Now this lumpy cake? It has Butter Pecan Icing (yes, another new flavour!)
There it is...pecans roasting in butter...seriously...
 Right! Back to the cake this was for a Wedding...they were looking for something traditional with a Halloween Twist.
Top Tier? Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache.
Bottom Tier? Vanilla Cake with Butter Pecan Icing.
Boy do I wish I could have had some of that cake!


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