
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ahhhh, Freak Out!

C'est Chic to Freak!

Yes, you are at the right place...PA Day Camps always charge me up! I had some pretty fabulous girls join me about a week ago for a revisit of our very popular Fashion Camp from last year.  We bleached tees...because they are SO cool! You know, I see kids wearing them at our school all the time (a few of the local moms have tried them at birthday parties too! - I love that!)

We sewed! Because the girls all love being in charge of a power tool! Yes, I consider sewing machines, irons, heat guns, mix masters power tools.
We scrapbooked! Boy did I ever love watching them make the supplies I gave them their own!
And of course, we had a fashion show!
Because it's fun to strike a pose!
And show off all the awesome things they made!
I love watching the dynamics of friends...
And beauty just happen. Isn't she gorgeous?
Just look at them...
I hope they all know how wonderful they are. Talented. Creative. Fun. Awesome.

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