
Sunday, October 30, 2011

When you're the best of friends...

It was Friday morning...2 of 5 costumes were done. I had handed over the responsibility of Mr. CB's costume to him. I was stressed. There was no menu plan, I couldn't find any Toy Story Themed menus on line that were simple and to the point.

So, I broke the news to the kids over breakfast.  First Sarah started talking about liquorice lassos...
Then Sean started talking about mashed potatoes to represent Bo Peep's Sheep. Now, my kids don't actually eat mashed potatoes and it just didn't seem like party food so we started talking about marshmallows...and the next thing you know we had pink jello with Cool Whip and Mini-mallows! Yum!
Speaking of potatoes...who doesn't love Mr. Potato Head?
We listened to all of Jessie's Pull String phrases and Sarah suggested Animal Crackers...lovin' it!
This is when I got to thinking we need something a little healthier...what do cowboys eat for dinner? Chilli cooked on a fire of course!
Now, we had covered a few of the characters we would have present at the party...except for the army he brought along the biscuits!
Now for something for the kids to eat...where else would you get your pizza from?

And who doesn't love those little alien guys? Well, they were pretty punchy at the party! This was a super citrus punch with lime sherbert. Yummy!

I seem to have lost this photo somewhere along the way...but here are the Aliens that Buzz saved from the punch!
 The inspiration for our party. The loves of my life.
 Our family portrait...
 A smaller group than in previous years but we had fun none the less.
Happy Halloween Everyone!


Yes, I did get all the costumes finished in time. It seems that I always get by.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Frankly Darling...

I have been having so much fun working it's been hard to show you everything we've been up to!

Here are my samples for our last Creative Kids...
 And here are some of my favourite kids working on their Frank-o-Lanterns!
 Simon had some help with the glueing but he did all the decorating himself...he may only be 3 but he knows what he is doing!
 Putting the finishing touches on the Frankenpops!
Taking a break while the Frank-o-Lanterns dry...
We are really looking forward to our next workshops...Here Comes Santa Claus and Trees in the Forest Creative Kids workshops coming up in November and December!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh Chocolate Ganache where have you been?

When I got a request for a cake with Chocolate Ganache, I am going to be honest here, I was terrified! I had avoided it so far...but it was time to face the chocolate. I found a recipe, I followed it...and it seemed a little on the thin side. I let the cake set over night (not without some troublesome dreams!) and found it had set in the morning. You have no idea how relieved I was!

And since one of my chocolate customers (she loves chocolate cake, chocolate icing and chocolate fondant) ordered a cake as well, I figured. Why not? Why not do 2 cakes with chocolate ganache? Go big or go home right? Right!
So the cake above became the cake below...a chocolate chilli cake with chocolate ganache...a perfect choice for Mr. CB...maybe that's what we'll make for his birthday!
 Now this lumpy cake? It has Butter Pecan Icing (yes, another new flavour!)
There it is...pecans roasting in butter...seriously...
 Right! Back to the cake this was for a Wedding...they were looking for something traditional with a Halloween Twist.
Top Tier? Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache.
Bottom Tier? Vanilla Cake with Butter Pecan Icing.
Boy do I wish I could have had some of that cake!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ahhhh, Freak Out!

C'est Chic to Freak!

Yes, you are at the right place...PA Day Camps always charge me up! I had some pretty fabulous girls join me about a week ago for a revisit of our very popular Fashion Camp from last year.  We bleached tees...because they are SO cool! You know, I see kids wearing them at our school all the time (a few of the local moms have tried them at birthday parties too! - I love that!)

We sewed! Because the girls all love being in charge of a power tool! Yes, I consider sewing machines, irons, heat guns, mix masters power tools.
We scrapbooked! Boy did I ever love watching them make the supplies I gave them their own!
And of course, we had a fashion show!
Because it's fun to strike a pose!
And show off all the awesome things they made!
I love watching the dynamics of friends...
And beauty just happen. Isn't she gorgeous?
Just look at them...
I hope they all know how wonderful they are. Talented. Creative. Fun. Awesome.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Mama and the Paparazzi!

I had so much fun at this party...both the parents were on hand and they were so on top of photography, they inspired me to catch a few more shots (sometimes I just get too crazy to get the camera out!) Love the interactions happening here as one of the girls is stirring...oh and look at that super-cool hair! Love it!
The girls were so fun...smiling the whole way!
Ahhh, Shrink I love thee...a little colouring...
A little shrinking...
And a great little keepsake!
Happy Birthday sweet girl! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Diva Dolls

You know...sometimes it's tricky for the birthday girl to come up with a theme...and other times it just comes naturally!  This party was Diva-licious! 

With cupcakes...
 Lipstick and Perfume Shrink Art...
 And fun hairbows!
You know what my favourite part was? I made a bow for the Birthday-Mom too and she wore it home!  That's my kind of lady!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The evolution of a dress...

This time the inspiration was 'The Beatles'. That was one of the key things I knew about the little girl I was sewing for, she likes The Beatles. I have had a Beatles tee waiting for a home in my bin for I started percolating on was pretty plain...I sometimes struggle with plain. But this time I had a plan. I was thinking about Rainbows. There is a little girl who inspires me when it comes to fact, she was here sorting my threads by colour just the other I was thinking of her too...

The first thing that happens is my fabric bins come out. They get dumped on the floor and I start throwing fabric all around our living room. Then as I find what I am looking for I start to piece it all together...and then I cut it out.
 Then I sew each layer together. One at a time.
 Next the sleeves...
 Then the sideseams and the hem.  Leaving the trickiest part to last. The hood. (Another request).
Then I finished all the ends, packaged it off and mailed it to California. I hope the recipient loves this dress as much as I loved making it. Boy do I ever have a hankering to do some sewing now!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Chills & Thrills at Girls' Night Out!

Our first night at Girls' Night Out was lots of fun! We stamped, we glittered, we rubbed and we glued! We had girls from 8 to well, I'm not telling but I was not the only adult in the room for a change!

Here is some of what we made (I did not take one photo during the evening...what can I say? I was busy!)

A witch's broom filled with treats, a spider web card and a pumpkin tag! All for only $5.
Next week we are going to make these wreaths. Join us for only $10 and you can have a great wreath for your door too!
