
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Give it a Twirl Day!

What a day we had! We started off with measuring everyone, assembling the patterns and getting them cut to size for each of the girls!

They were all quite amazed and delighted that these pieces would somehow become a skirt for them!
Things got a little crazy after the girls got all their fabric cut serger just wouldn't cooperate. No matter what I did. Eventually we gave up and pulled out my almost 40yo Kenmore. It is a great machine! The girls were amazing all the while...preparing for the fashion show...exchanging phone numbers...playing little clapping games. It was fun to be in the room with them.
Let the show begin! The entire narration was written and read by the girls...they chose the music, the order, everything. They wrote some great comments...the moms loved it!
I love how unique each and every skirt turned out. I had such an amazing day with the girls!
Just look at them all...10 one of a kind twirl skirts for 10 one of a kind girls.
I hope the girls had as much fun as I did!


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