
Friday, June 03, 2011

Bright Lights, Big City!

I know it's ONLY Toronto to some of you but it's been awhile since we've spent time in Toronto Proper and it was nice to visit (glad we don't live there anymore!)

When I heard that Redpath was opening their doors for Open Doors could I resist? I mean what could be sweeter? The kids were super excited to see their friends from the Acts of Sweetness Team AND they had been asking about visiting Redpath (TRUE story!) Hmmm, I wonder what else is on their bucket list!

Here we are driving can't see it here but there was a HUGE line-up (and we were running a little late - Mr. CB moves slowly on Sundays!) But lucky us, we knew the person at the gate and they let us slip in with the next group when we got there!
This is Richard Feltoe, he is the curator of the Redpath Museum. He had some great one-liners for us before he took us into the tent for the video about how sugar is refined!
Look how excited Sarah is here...and this is just about watching a video!
The refining process brought me back to my roots in oil and gas (really, it did!)
So each of these containers has sugar in various states of refining...from Magma to Fine Liquor. Mmmm liquid sugar!
Speaking of sugar...everyone of us loved this part! This building is as big as 2 football fields and gets filled with the raw sugar (not sugar in the raw that you buy) but the sugar that comes off of the boats. Look how tiny that tractor looks!
We finished our day by waiting almost 2 hours to go up the CN Tower. It was totally worth it though...the kids loved every second of it!


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