
Friday, December 17, 2010

A Comedy of Errors...

Well, I decided that I would like to make wreaths for the kids' teachers this year. Plan A was to make them with dried citrus fruit. I ran my oven for hours drying those lemon and orange slices I had painstakingly cut up...I had a bowl full of oranges done...and was finishing up the lemons when Grama CB arrived.

She took one look and said "Do you think they are dry enough" (remember this is my mother)
I replied: I followed the directions
She said: I think they need more wouldn't want them to go mouldy.

So, after she left I put the lemons back in the oven. And they got burnt. Then, short attention span and all...I left the oranges for about a week...then I looked at them and saw some small (really small) dark spots. Don't you hate it when they are right?

So, on to Plan B. I found this while we were out shopping...
So...we got to work (that is after a friend delivered some wire hangers).
It was a serious job...Well, maybe not for everyone!Then we ran out of ornaments before the wreaths were Mr. CB kindly picked up another container and we finished the job. I added bows and took a photo.When I took the wreath down ornaments went flying...All. Over. The. Place. I was SO sad. So, I consulted my panel of experts on Facebook...Grama CB happened to come over this afternoon so she finished the wreaths up. Then the kids and I made tags for them tonight...
These are some of the tags we made...Sorry the photo is sideways...technical difficulties.
SO...can you tell which tags are Simon's? All of the kids had fun making them before heading to bed.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I can't believe all of the work you did! The ornament wreaths look awesome. I love the cute penguin tags too. I'm making teacher gifts today but going much simpler. I'm sewing coffee cup cuffs and them filling the cups with chocolate dipped oreos. Yummmm!!!
