
Monday, December 20, 2010

3 Kids. 3 Trees. 3 Flavours.

We're coming down to the wire here...what is it? 5 more sleeps until Christmas. Everything is coming together but I know I am going to have to slow down the gift making so that I can focus on this week's T'was the Night Before Christmas's time to prepare for that. But maybe, we can squeeze in a few more goodies first...what do you think?

This is another tradition here...we don't do Gingerbread Houses we do Sugar Cookie Trees...Sarah is working on a Cinnamon Tree...
Sean is working on a Chocolate Tree...
And Simon? He is working on an Orange Tree!
Because there has to be decorations!
Here they all their glory...
We filled one of the trays with goodies and then brought it with us to a friend's house. Sean was so proud...and everyone was impressed!


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