
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This post is brought to you by...

Little Bull. You see I started planning Mr. CB's 40th birthday sometime ago. This post is written by and the photos are edited by Little Bull's owner Ann Marie.


Little Bull starts with me, Ann Marie Torello-Arnott: designer, Mom, wife, mompreneur extrordonaire! I am a stay at home mom of two boys, living in Beamsville. My family, especially my kids, are my inspiration, my joy, my life-- Little Bull Designs is my passion.

I began designing for a family company, including brochures, business cards, company website, etc. Since then, I’ve designed both marketing and apparel designs, both through custom requests, as well as through my online stores.

The designs began as fun and sometimes whimsical for children and adolescent apparel and have since expanded to humorous adult wear and food allergy awareness apparel and accessories and many other genres.

I got into the food allergy awareness designs because both friends and family were suffering with food allergies. I believe the more we are aware of these issues in others, the more accessible the needs of our friends and family will become. Awareness is the first step.

Inspiration comes from all facets of my life-- children, friends, family, a funny shirt I see someone else wearing... And I think how can I make these events or things I see into a design others would love to share with me and the world?!? Now, depending if I’m designing for myself and my portfolio or a client, I handle the design process slightly differently. Every client is different. Some prefer me to go with their initial input and run with that idea; some prefer hands on designing with me along the way. Either way, I thoroughly enjoy the creation process. Creation begins with the client’s first meeting. We discuss what you are looking for-- not only design-wise, but also what products you are looking to design. Each product has different size specs and depending on what I’m designing, the more/less input I need from the client: including any research that may be needed to complete the project at hand. After the initial meet, either research begins or the design process begins. If the client requests, multiple design concepts can be initialized. Proofs are then created and can be presented to the client, either through e-mail or in another meeting. Once the proof is approved, the product is either created or ordered, if need be. Depending if the items need to be ordered, the production time can vary between 1-4 weeks. Delivery times also vary according to quantities that are ordered. Several delivery options are available, although my favourite is hand delivery-- my selfish choice-- because I love to see my client’s reactions when they view their ordered for the first time! It’s like watching a child open a gift at Christmas for me--wonder, awe and sweet delight.

Little Bull Designs are available several ways. As of November 18th, my products will be available through Willy’s FLowers and Gifts in Beamsville. But you can also purchase predesigned items through either of my online stores: or For custom designs, you can contact me at Thanks so much for supporting a local mompreneur! Thanks so much to Heather too, not only for supporting my company as an awesome client, but also allowing me this opportunity to share with you about my passion-- Little Bull Designs.


So, take a minute and check out her work. You might just find something that suits you!



1 comment:

  1. Thanks again Heather not only for the opportunity to appear on your blog, but for the opportunity to design for you again:) Always a pleasure!

    Ann Marie
