
Monday, November 15, 2010

Ships Ahoy!

When I get busy...things go one of two ways. Either I am constantly blogging or it just falls out of sight altogether. It seems as though Blogging has fallen out of sight as of late so I am hoping I can catch up a bit over the next few weeks. November is a very busy month but since Mr. CB's Big Not-Surprise Party is over I am hoping that I will have a little more time for you, my readers.

I was contacted about a month ago to create a baptism cake for a boy who was being baptized on his second birthday (what a lucky guy!)

We went back and forth on design and here is where we landed...
When I proposed the sail boat cake (I had also suggested a train theme) I had no idea that the guest of honour's father is a lobster fisherman.
So, we had to add in a little friend to give it the extra personal touch.
I hope that Christopher had a fabulous day with his family. God Bless.


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