
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Momma Said...

Yes, Momma said there'd be days like this!

I was asked about a week ago if I'd do a Transformers Cake...specifically? Either Optimus Prime or Bumble Bee. After some deliberation and going back and forth, I landed on the idea of doing a cake similar to that of my Sesame Street Cake (it's one of my favourites). I love the design...and the simplicity of it I suggested that I could do something similar for either Bumble Bee or Optimus Prime or better yet, BOTH! Sadly, they only needed enough cake to feed 12 people so they decided on Bumble Bee.

I really wanted the cake to be tapered so, I baked 2 8" rounds and a 6" round. I filled them, stacked them and started sculpting. Then the unthinkable happened...the top layer cracked! I thought, it's okay, I'll cover the cake and see if I can't fix it. Well, the crack showed through. So then, I filled the crack with extra fondant and covered it a second time thinking as the fondant cured it would hold the whole thing together. Uhhhh, nope! My husband described it as continental drift. I suggested that even my camera was embarrassed (hence, the bad picture!)

How on earth could I turn this lumpy, bumpy hunk of cake into the cool, clean, sleek lines of Bumble Bee I was looking for? The cake was for Friday. I turned to my husband on Thursday and asked him if I should do a redo. (this is what I do when I don't want to do what my self is telling me to do...)

So, I pulled myself together and I started over with the deadline looming and knowing that I couldn't work Friday morning as I have been attending Niagara Adventure Boot Camp for Women on Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings for the last 2 weeks and to top it off, Friday was an early release day so the kids would finish school at noon...drat! Alright, back to the cake.

I rebaked it and recovered it...then I set the 2 side by side and was super relieved that I had gone is the preliminary cake...
Then I added a bit of detail...And some Transformer Font (did you know there was such a thing??)I like looking at him from the side best because you can see the height on his eyes.
I hope Rylan and his party guests enjoyed their cake because I loved making it! I love most of my cakes but this one is special because, to my knowledge, there isn't another out there like it....and that makes me proud.

So, yes, Momma did say there would be days like this but then one of my clients once told me (and I now use in times of craziness)...'I am unflappable...' Maybe not but it helps keep me calm!


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