
Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Happy Baker Give-away Recipe #1

So while flipping through my new Happy Baker Cookbook...this recipe caught my eye Choca-Mocha Squares. This no-bake recipe had ingredients I have on hand...or so I thought. But when looking for graham crackers, I had problem, I use Oreo Crumbs...oh but there aren't enough...SO...sub in some Animal Crackers (gosh you'd think I'm Old Mother Hubbard!)Now due to our 2 lactose intolerant children I had to sub-in margarine (the right kind) for the boys is vegan or lactose-free.
And my mixed up ingredients made this decadent looking (I don't know...) base? Yum! It was warm and sweet and just plain yummy! I could have eaten this by the spoonful alone.
But wait...there's more! Icing! I was a little sad about the colour...I wish I had darker cocoa powder. I use Fry's...any suggestions for a nicer, darker chocolate?
This is on page 60-61 of my new cookbook! You can win this cookbook! See here for contest details.


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