
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Creative Kids Go Back to School! Happy Baker Recipe #3

Well, it was a cool day here at Creative Bug HQ. Today was Simon's first time joining us at the table! We also had another little friend join us for the first time.

So here is Simon stirring up some chocolate to make Haystack Cookies from my copy of The Happy Baker...A Dater's Guide to Emotional Baking. You have until Thursday to enter to win an autographed copy for yourself...check it out here!
Here is Sean hamming it up and 'sneaking' a pretzel for the camera while he and Mr. CB figure out the best way to break up the pretzels a bit for our haystacks!Some of our picture frames from the day...
So, today we made frames, a scrapbook page and Haystack cookies! Guess what the kids have in their lunches for snack tomorrow?!

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