
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Queen for a day

It's funny...I have been baking, decorating and helping Sarah with her sewing project most of the day. But things weren't really going my way...not at all. I will tell you more about it later. But the point is, what do you do when you need reprieve? Sometimes I read to the kids, sometimes we find something that we all enjoy...

Here's what happened today...I had a craft that needs to be done for an upcoming event so I started working on it. Well, the directions are in the form of a U-Tube the kids were on-board immeadiately (they don't get to watch a lot of TV so they will watch most anything!)
The next thing I knew, I had 2 volunteers! They in fact did a lot of the work on today's creation.
And when I finished piecing all the bits together? It went straight to my head! Literally! Sarah is feeling a little cheated as I must admit I wore it for the rest of the afternoon and she feels that I am stealing her property from her!
Isn't it just wicked? And it was SO easy! I know it's a little odd but we happened to have everything we needed right here for this project. Please do go to Thread Banger and check out the tutorial.
So, why not let a sweet tiara like this go straight to your head?


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