
Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's a first kind of moment...

I offered to make this cake for one of the technicians at DH's work as he helped us out a lot with our car...well, the old one anyway. So, after much debate on themes and whatnot, polka dot supplies were bought...So, I made the cake based on that...

You can't see it in the photos but there is a zigzag border along the bottom of the cake...I hope they enjoyed it!

Recently I paused to reflect on the fact that a year since I didn't return to work had passed. Wow. It has flown by...I get asked a lot if I regret not returning. It's a funny you ever miss corporate life? Long hours, long drives to and
from organized, busy life...a fairly tidy house...I gave all that up for madness! Crazy days of getting kids off to school, summer vacations together, swimming lessons, fashion camp, time with friends...impromptu picnics...there is so much we get to enjoy in our crazy life...organized chaos.

In case you are still wondering, I'm happy...I don't look back.
Life is good.

Enjoy, I know I am!

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