
Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's a first kind of moment...

I offered to make this cake for one of the technicians at DH's work as he helped us out a lot with our car...well, the old one anyway. So, after much debate on themes and whatnot, polka dot supplies were bought...So, I made the cake based on that...

You can't see it in the photos but there is a zigzag border along the bottom of the cake...I hope they enjoyed it!

Recently I paused to reflect on the fact that a year since I didn't return to work had passed. Wow. It has flown by...I get asked a lot if I regret not returning. It's a funny you ever miss corporate life? Long hours, long drives to and
from organized, busy life...a fairly tidy house...I gave all that up for madness! Crazy days of getting kids off to school, summer vacations together, swimming lessons, fashion camp, time with friends...impromptu picnics...there is so much we get to enjoy in our crazy life...organized chaos.

In case you are still wondering, I'm happy...I don't look back.
Life is good.

Enjoy, I know I am!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Queen for a day

It's funny...I have been baking, decorating and helping Sarah with her sewing project most of the day. But things weren't really going my way...not at all. I will tell you more about it later. But the point is, what do you do when you need reprieve? Sometimes I read to the kids, sometimes we find something that we all enjoy...

Here's what happened today...I had a craft that needs to be done for an upcoming event so I started working on it. Well, the directions are in the form of a U-Tube the kids were on-board immeadiately (they don't get to watch a lot of TV so they will watch most anything!)
The next thing I knew, I had 2 volunteers! They in fact did a lot of the work on today's creation.
And when I finished piecing all the bits together? It went straight to my head! Literally! Sarah is feeling a little cheated as I must admit I wore it for the rest of the afternoon and she feels that I am stealing her property from her!
Isn't it just wicked? And it was SO easy! I know it's a little odd but we happened to have everything we needed right here for this project. Please do go to Thread Banger and check out the tutorial.
So, why not let a sweet tiara like this go straight to your head?


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond!

After it was insisted upon by Mr. Creative Bug that there be toys on Simon's cake I figured I wasn't going to get away with anything different for Sean's cake. So after much debate in many toy departments (at the last minute of course) we settled on Toy Story...we had just watched Toy Story 3D so the hype was there...

Sean was a very happy boy indeed! I didn't get to surprise him with the cake because we met halfway to the table...but he loved it!
And along with the cake, I made him a Super Cape...
...a reversible Super Cape!!!
I saw him lurking around the main floor when he should have sleeping wearing his Batman Cape...

What fun I get to have!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Going Bananas!

Well, it's been a hot week here at Creative Bug HQ. Have I told you that we don't actually have air conditioning here? Yep, it's true...sometimes I think I might melt but then we go to the library or find a pool that is friendly enough to endure us for a little while...and other days I take a little afternoon siesta (well, I don't get to nap very often but I did yesterday!)Bananas and chocolate. Mmmm! Oh and did I mention, there is peanut butter melted into the chocolate???
Here we go! There aren't a lot of photos of the in between part because it was mayhem here! Simon LOVES helping and well, it's tricky to keep up with everyone and make sure everyone gets a turn around here!
But we dipped and sprinkled and froze...
then we ate...
and got messy...
I think if Simon were talking he would have said 'I really like the chocolate and peanut butter part Mummy.' Yep, he cleaned off that banana really well didn't he??? Want to do it too? Check out Simple Bites for directions!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let's head to the Beach!

We had a great time last night at a Beach Themed Creative Kids Party!The girls made cupcakes, shrink art...
They decorated their cupcakes...
And we made mini clipboards too!
Aren't they sweet?!
These girls started off pretty quiet but once they got going, there was no stopping them!

I hope you had a great birthday Madison!


Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, today is my mother's birthday. Growing up, I never knew anyone who loved Mickey Mouse more than my Mum. We used to buy her posters and all kinds of other bits that were Mickey Mouse...anything Mickey! That's slowed down now but I figured it was time for her to enjoy a little sweet Mickey...

But first my apprentices at work...
A back shot...
They seriously did all the work on this one! There was flour everywhere and don't worry about egg shells, I picked them out before the eggs were added to the batter!
Then it was my turn to make our efforts into something special for Grama...
And from behind...I hope you had a great day Mum! Sorry we couldn't get the cake to you on time. We really did want to see you today! xo


Sunday, July 18, 2010

A week in crafts at Vacation Bible School

On the first day of VBS we made these log books. Each page has some starter sentences to help the kids reflect on their day and the daily teachings.
On the second day, we made these rocket ship bags to help the kids keep track of all the goodies they would collect throughout the week!AND, we also did some stamping...I loved watching them create these cards...everyone was so creative!
On Wednesday we rolled salt dough, cut and baked it then on Thursday we painted the shapes to create mobiles!
We also took some time to decorate the covers of our activity books (they were meant to be a time-filler but we were so busy we didn't have a chance to really look at them all week!)
On Wednesday we also made these necklaces...the kids are still wearing them!
Finally, on Friday we decorated t-shirts using potato stamps!
And those were just our crafts! We also enjoyed stories, games, science and snacks!!!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

You want what???

Just a chocolate cake? Really? Alright...yep, this is Mum asked me if I would do a chocolate cake for my step-brother. So here it is...And all her splendor...
Barbie (or one of her friends as supplied by my client.)
Yep, my first Barbie Cake...I know it's a classic...Sarah was in fact drooling over it, well from afar at least!
Barbie is a Pink Lemonade Cake with Pink Lemonade filling. One of my current favourites!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vacation Bible School here we come!!!

Welcome to VBS 2010! We have gone totally lunar this year! Here is our Command Station...Day 1 Crafts ready to go!
The Cosmic Craft Station...
Our Lunar Bistro...
Moons and Tunes Station...
Up for a little star gazing?
Finally, the kids love these...our moon walkers!
We set everything up on Sunday after church and have been enjoying the week ever since! It's been very busy here at CB HQ with Cosmic Crafts running at high gear and my regular work too!

More will be coming over the next few days!


Monday, July 12, 2010

I am back to...Green Alligators!

There still aren't any long-necked geese in my life and I'm okay with might understand if you've ever been chased by one...they can be a bit terrifying! You might recall that I did Dragon Cupcakes back in March. Well, a few of the cupcakes were gluten free. I got a call not so long ago from a mother who's little guy enjoyed one of those gluten free cupcakes...Now she only needed about 10 cupcakes SO, rather than make too much...we settled on an alligator made out of mini-cupcakes. You can't really tell in the photo but yep, these are mini-gluten-free cupcakes!
I hope the birthday boy had a great day...his party was on Saturday and the weather sure was perfect!
