
Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Ladybug Tea Party!

Wow! When I got the call for this party I was over the moon! Just in case you didn't realize I do kind of like Ladybugs so when Kimberlyn requested that her party be a Ladybug Tea Party I was delighted! I love it when kids dream up themes to suit their fancies (and mine!)

I spent a lot of time thinking about what you need to have a proper tea party...
Mugs...for the tea...
and a purse to carry your goodies to the tea in...
a ladybug purse, of course!
I loved the purse with the eyes so close I just had to share it!Ahhh and sweets of course! You cannot have a proper tea without sweets so we made ladybug cupcakes!
I hope you had a fantastic birthday Kimberlyn! I really enjoyed having you and your friends to my workshop. Oh and I didn't get any photos but each girl went home with a packet of Bubble Gum Tea! Sweet eh?


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shiny Happy People!

I have had the pleasure of doing a number of fun cakes lately! Here is one birthday girl with her cake from a few weeks ago!
This woman has some pretty fun kids (they are adults now...)! Her daughter, who I know, spent a lot of time as a camp counsellor, her son has sent me notes and became a fan on Facebook, and her son's girlfriend also sent me comments!

Here is another happy Creative Cake recipient! Ethan celebrated his 1st birthday Sesame Street Style! Take a close look and you can see that he is sporting a red buttercream mohawk thanks to his hair stylist Auntie!I am glad you all liked the cake! Looking forward to crossing paths again!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Leaping Lizards!

I have to admit...I stole the title of this post from a friend...she used that title when she commented on my dragon cupcakes a while back...but I thought it was appropriate and I was thinking of her so...

We celebrated Macgregor's 3rd birthday this past weekend with Dinosaurs! Dinosaur loot bags...
Dinosaur shrink art...which we turned into key chains!
Cupcakes with dinosaur sprinkles!
It was fun! We even managed to fit in a few games...a little Macgregor says and other fun circle games! Did you ever notice how they all seem to look at the camera when it comes to the silly faces?
Here is our serious picture...ahhh well...this was a busy group! They were fun though!
Happy Birthday Macgregor!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

The loveliest of all was the unicorn...

There were green alligators and long necked geese...

I have been singing this song for weeks! I sang it while I made and mailed out these invites...

I sang it while I shopped for party supplies and some fun decorations! Isn't that balloon great? I can't wait to see photos of it all inflated! And the candles??? I don't know what makes them princess candles but I loved them because they go with the wand on the invitation perfectly!
I sang it while I made this banner (for a different party) with the coordinating papers!I sang it while I hand-made each of these cupcake toppers...I sang it while I cut, punched and coloured a sample of the shrink-art craft below...
I sang it while I coloured and decorated this 'Pin the Horn on the Unicorn' Game...
I had to try out the's rather difficult to purposely not hit the target...should have just had the kids test it out!
I sang it while my Cricut diligently cut the letters and I put this sign together...

I will be singing it while I make the Thank You cards...I needed to post all of these goodies so the hostess has plenty of time to plan everything on her end!

I am so lucky!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

So, Creative Bug just celebrated it's 4th anniversary! Isn't it incredible how time flies? This is the 5th time we've done the Spring Has Sprung Workshop and it continues to be a favourite! We change things up a little each year but there are always cookies on sticks for little kids and big kids to enjoy! (My DH says 'I always like the cookies on sticks') They sure are fun!
If you look closely at the above photo you can see Sarah's pot that she decorated for her 'flowers'. We decorated cupcakes as a bonus activity since there was leftover cupcakes from another time about. Lucky kids! Look how excited Sean is about come cupcake decorating never gets old? ;)
Here is one of my friends with his cupcake bouquet all put together. He was planning on sharing his with his grandparents. Nice eh?
More kids, another bouquet. Some serious silliness...we get a lot of that here!
A close-up of a bouquet...
We had fun! The kids were great and well...Happy 4th Anniversary Creative Bug! What an adventure it's been!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Mixin' it up!

So...I went shopping last week and this Professional HD Kitchenaid Mixer jumped into my cart! I mean it cried...I need a nice home...please take me home! And then there was the $100 rebate! It was such a great price I couldn't leave it behind...
Then as it turned out it provided me with the PERFECT size box to load my friends into for their big car ride to Burlington...I love that cake...Ohhh and how I love my new mixer too! It doesn't clunk or make funny sounds when I push it to the max with fondant or all the other crazy things I like to make. The best part is that my old one has moved into my workshop permanently to become my party mixer! Lucky duck!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rock and Roll is here to stay...

it will never die!

Well, I got a call almost 2 weeks ago from a client wanting to book a birthday just over a week! I had told myself that I was booked and shouldn't take anymore work but after having a few conversations with the mom of the birthday girl we came to an agreement and the party was booked! (I have a terrible time saying no!)

Sadly, I didn't get permission forms for the girls so there aren't a lot of pictures of that party. Well, I was also so busy I didn't have time to stop and take photos this time!!! It was crazy! We baked and decorated cupcakes...
They did a fabulous job and loved the 2 colours in one bag trick! And we made a mini-scrapbook album.It was so fun! I got out the embossing powder, my markers, some punches...whew! We were busy!!! The Rock Star stamp is embossed with black powder on Crushed Curry Paper...The birthday girl was turning 8 and had some experience scrapbooking and her friends did great too! They loved the embossing (good thing too because we embossed the lipstick and the Friend tag you see above as well!The various shapes are from my Cricut while all the punches, paper and ink are Stampin Up! I loved designing this project and I especially loved sharing it with a group of girls! What fun! It could also easily be translated into a boy project with a few paper changes and things...

I sure do love a good party theme! Happy Birthday Hailey...thanks for celebrating at Creative Bug!


Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunny Day...

Sweepin' the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street! When I was asked to make Sesame Street cakes for a 1 year old I was over the moon! I. Love. Sesame Street. You might recall we went to Sesame Place in Pennsylvania a few years ago.

Anyway, this cake was for one special little boy...his parents really wanted to celebrate with him so here is the main cake...
And then there was the Elmo Smash Cake to go with Big Bird and Cookie Monster...I can't wait to see how red he was!!! I warned the mother about the icing first...she was prepared for the least I hope she was!
These cakes were such a delight to make...I had such a fabulous time designing and putting these guys together.
Happy 1st Birthday Ethan!

Big Bird - Yellow Cake with Strawberry Buttercream
Cookie Monster - Chocolate Sour Cream Cake with Cookies and Cream Filling
Elmo - Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Buttercream filling


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

I couldn't believe it when I started uploading photos yesterday and realized that I haven't blogged since April began! Ack yesterday was the 9th and I was finally uploading photos!!! Oh dear!

Well, things have been quite busy the last week and a will start to see the results of that very soon but first I have a story to tell...

I know a young woman from Camp Bimini. She was our middle son's counselor when we went for family camp. If you haven't ready about it yet, you should...we loved family camp...the staff were so awesome! In fact our older 2 kids will be staying for a mini camp without us this year...but that is another story!

Anyway, Naomi contacted me about a month ago and asked me about my cakes. As we were discussing ideas and I was hearing more about her mother (the cake recipient) I was blown away. You see her mother didn't want a 50th birthday celebration. No, because she wanted to celebrate when she turned 55 and from what I understand, she will do that in about a week. The reason is that this woman will be the first woman, in a number of generations to make it to 55.
And her family wanted to make it really special...I think it already is pretty special that they get to celebrate this milestone together but there is a party happening today that I wish I could catch a glimpse of.
Naomi was thrilled when she saw the finished excited...I have to admit, I was too!
If you read this Donna...I want to wish you the happiest day ever and many more yet to come. Thank you Naomi for sharing your sure can be beautiful...

Top Tier: Chocolate Sour Cream with Cookies and Cream Filling
Bottom Tier: Yellow Cake with Vanilla Filling
