
Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

So, Creative Bug just celebrated it's 4th anniversary! Isn't it incredible how time flies? This is the 5th time we've done the Spring Has Sprung Workshop and it continues to be a favourite! We change things up a little each year but there are always cookies on sticks for little kids and big kids to enjoy! (My DH says 'I always like the cookies on sticks') They sure are fun!
If you look closely at the above photo you can see Sarah's pot that she decorated for her 'flowers'. We decorated cupcakes as a bonus activity since there was leftover cupcakes from another time about. Lucky kids! Look how excited Sean is about come cupcake decorating never gets old? ;)
Here is one of my friends with his cupcake bouquet all put together. He was planning on sharing his with his grandparents. Nice eh?
More kids, another bouquet. Some serious silliness...we get a lot of that here!
A close-up of a bouquet...
We had fun! The kids were great and well...Happy 4th Anniversary Creative Bug! What an adventure it's been!


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