
Monday, March 08, 2010

No babysitter? Call in the chef!

Our anniversary is in a few days time and we thought we might go out on Saturday to celebrate...well, no one was available so I talked with the 2 best kitchen helpers I know (besides DH of course!)

So the menu was set...

Jed's bed of shrimp...
Goose Juice, or was it Moose Juice??? Well, it was tart and sweet...whew! Green Eggs and Ham...are you getting a theme yet? You know I love a good theme, don't you???Dessert...these were done by my velvet cupcakes with whipped cream topping...
Cheers Everyone! I would not normally use disposable cups but they were too colourful to pass up and they were just sitting in my cupboard...
Simon's not entirely sure about this one...Sarah on the other hand...not so shy to dig in...They may be blue for a few days but it was fun!After supper Sean immediately asked when we could do it again...maybe next year love. Did you know that Dr. Seuss' birthday was just this past week? Happy Birthday to a literary least in this house...I mean we dedicated a Hallowe'en to him as well! Check it out if you have time.


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