
Monday, September 14, 2009

Polly's Surprise...

I know I have been an absentee blogger as of late...I really don't have any great reasons just a great family who I have been super busy with! So, I will share some of my recent projects as I try to catch up (I am oh so far behind right now!)...

Here is Wellington modeling Polly's new Apron...I hope Polly likes it! Sean was quite pleased as he has one like it and thought it was neat that Polly is getting a girlie version of it!
Sean was ever so patient while I did my sewing but he insisted that he be part of the photo shoot (he did not feel it was appropriate for him to actually wear the apron bad enough Wellington was subjected to that!)I finished 2 of these in 2 days (some sort of sewing miracle for me) but I forgot to take photos of the second! I hope Daniel liked his's much like Sean's that you can see here. It's super easy to can find the pattern here.


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