
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dora takes the cake...

A friend asked if I would make her daughter a 'Dora' Cake...I said sure and sent her my usual sorts of ideas. Then she handed me an invitation to work off of with clear instructions that Dora herself must somehow be recreated on the cake...hmmmm...

I must admit, I mostly avoid licensed stuff...I am afraid I will not do them justice...I would usually put a toy on before trying to recreate something or someone. I almost told her to go to the grocery store for the cake...then I collected myself and set to work...
Now of course this could not be a typical had to be a little different so, I carved Dora out of cake and covered her with was kind of fun actually. And surprisingly easy...I have done much harder cakes in fact!
So Happy Birthday Mackie! I hope you had a great day with your family!

Now, when I was looking for ideas for the Dora Cake I was remembering this butterfly and wanting to put stars on it like the butterflies on this one I did back at the beginning of July...
The crazy thing is, I totally forgot to post this one!!! So, here it is...I am told that the cake was enjoyed by everyone...
Happy Belated Birthday Abby!


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