
Sunday, September 27, 2009

We are Family!

Back in July/August my Sister-in-Law e-mailed me and asked if I might be able to help plan an event for her friends. I, of course, couldn't say no! So, I spent some time planning and we came up with this plan...
Family blocks! I sent her the sample photo, we set a date and she started getting everything in order on her end.
I spent my afternoon with my SIL (below) and her friends helping them create their own masterpieces.
Here they are working away...
And being a little silly...hey, if you can't be a little silly then what fun is life?
I am doing these blocks here in my workshop on November 21st from 10am-2pm. The cost is $30 and includes a light lunch. RSVP and 50% Deposit due by November 6th.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Buzzin' By!

WAY back in the spring I was asked if I would do some invitations for a little boy who loves bugs (already he and I have something in common!) His birthday is in October so as we started getting closer I made some samples. It's always interesting making samples...cause you try to guess which they will choose...
Well, sorry for the photo here...the colour is a little off. I didn't guess right this time...oh well, they sure are cute aren't they?
Here is my favourite part...I am becoming quite good at these little rhymes. I really enjoy writing them. It's just too fun! Hehe!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's that time of year again!

I have to admit I have been a little slow getting these samples done but things have been crazy over here!!!

So, are you ready to get ahead of the game? Our first 30 Cards for $35 classes are being held on October 3rd from 1-4pm and 6-9pm.
Come join us for some fun!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Polly's Surprise...

I know I have been an absentee blogger as of late...I really don't have any great reasons just a great family who I have been super busy with! So, I will share some of my recent projects as I try to catch up (I am oh so far behind right now!)...

Here is Wellington modeling Polly's new Apron...I hope Polly likes it! Sean was quite pleased as he has one like it and thought it was neat that Polly is getting a girlie version of it!
Sean was ever so patient while I did my sewing but he insisted that he be part of the photo shoot (he did not feel it was appropriate for him to actually wear the apron bad enough Wellington was subjected to that!)I finished 2 of these in 2 days (some sort of sewing miracle for me) but I forgot to take photos of the second! I hope Daniel liked his's much like Sean's that you can see here. It's super easy to can find the pattern here.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dora takes the cake...

A friend asked if I would make her daughter a 'Dora' Cake...I said sure and sent her my usual sorts of ideas. Then she handed me an invitation to work off of with clear instructions that Dora herself must somehow be recreated on the cake...hmmmm...

I must admit, I mostly avoid licensed stuff...I am afraid I will not do them justice...I would usually put a toy on before trying to recreate something or someone. I almost told her to go to the grocery store for the cake...then I collected myself and set to work...
Now of course this could not be a typical had to be a little different so, I carved Dora out of cake and covered her with was kind of fun actually. And surprisingly easy...I have done much harder cakes in fact!
So Happy Birthday Mackie! I hope you had a great day with your family!

Now, when I was looking for ideas for the Dora Cake I was remembering this butterfly and wanting to put stars on it like the butterflies on this one I did back at the beginning of July...
The crazy thing is, I totally forgot to post this one!!! So, here it is...I am told that the cake was enjoyed by everyone...
Happy Belated Birthday Abby!
