
Monday, June 29, 2009

Simply Sweet!

I met Elise and Emma just before Easter at my Easter Creative Kids Session. They came to meet me to see if they might like to have me come to their birthday party. Well, they enjoyed our Easter Workshop so much that they invited me to their house to celebrate their birthdays! I was honoured to spend some time with the girls and their friends!

Here are 2 of their friends decorating one of the most common types of cupcakes we seem to do lately! Flowers! I love these cupcakes!
We also made flower clipboards and loot bags. The kids love decorating their own loot bags! These girls were wonderful! They were so sweet and so quiet! I even had one agree that the presents she brought were for me! ;)

Of course they were for Emma & Elise who you can see holding hands on the left in the photo below.
Here they are making their silly faces...that's how I reward them after standing still and smiling for me.
I sure did enjoy this party...the girls each took home a summer bulb ready for planting in their gardens. That is the last of those...I have something extra fun and summery planned for summer loot bags!


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