
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Year Gone...

It seems to me that there are sometimes these great expectations of know there's that creative lady...what's she gonna do next? Well, I have to admit...even the creative lady can't keep up with everything all the time! So, as the school year was winding down I found myself wondering how I was going to manage all the work you have seen on this blog over the last few weeks in addition to teacher's gifts and providing treats for Sarah's end of year party.

So, I did what any enterprising mother would do...I asked for drink duty in the class, but still couldn't sleep because I had no plan for a gift. While blog-surfing, a pastime I haven't had much time for lately I became quite inspired and then had the need to get out to get some fabric. Not an easy feat in small town Beamsville. So, I went to our local quilting shop and bought some fat quarters. And with them, I made these totes and matching gift cards...
As you can see I rolled the totes, tied a ribbon around them and attached the card. Simple. Sweet. Done. Whew! Another crisis averted. At least I can say that I did get one hand made present out to the teachers this year!

Now onto Summer vacation! There has been lots of rain so far but that didn't stop us from heading to the beach yesterday...
It's hard to believe that I could get Simon to sit still for a photo but there was no stopping Sean!
The kids had a great time and tuckered themselves out for a good night's rest...good thing too because soccer was cancelled due to thunder showers!


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