
Saturday, January 31, 2009

There's no place like home...

There was a little bit of magic in my kitchen the other night...I made these shoes out of gum paste icing last week and left them to set. They were far from perfect with some bumps and lumps...but then I covered them in red sugar and they came to life. Seeing them side by side actually brought tears to my eyes...what a transformation!

This cake is for someone very's the first time I have ever done anything like this (as with most of my cakes) so please accept my imperfections and enjoy it as it is with me...

As I was saying...this cake is for someone very special...a woman who stood up with my mother at our wedding and explained that she is a surrogate mother to me. So, when I was asked to make this cake I was honoured.

The more I thought about the cake, I knew it needed ruby slippers, a yellow brick road and a wand. We are all on a journey together, we need to feel beautiful and sometimes we need a little magic to keep it all together. So, here is to your beautiful, fabulous journey Jane. May turning 50 be magical...

Happy Birthday Jane!


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