
Thursday, October 09, 2008

TWD Caramel-Peanut-Topped Brownie Cake

Well, I have to admit...I have been doing all the baking but am having trouble getting on-line to blog it! So, here I am 2 days late with my Brownie Cake that Tammy of Wee Treats by Tammy chose from pages 264 and 265.

I am only posting this one photo as I am having trouble with lighting when I take photos and I also want to be quick...but there is a story that I must share. It goes something like this...
We went to visit DH's Granny on the Isle of Mann several years ago and she served us a Cream and Jam cake. It sounded like a lovely treat and as my DH took a bite his Granny asked him what he thought...his answer was "I really like the cream and jam part".

As I was serving this dish to my family and I took a bite of my burnt caramel...all I could think was "I really like the cake part..." Hmmm maybe I need to do a rewind on this one!!!

Please check out my fellow bloggers at Tuesday's with Dorie and check out their fabulous sweets!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry this wasn't a complete success for you -- I had the opposite experience. Oh well!
