
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TWD Creme Brulee

Thank you to Mari of Mevrouw Cupcake for selecting the Creme Brulee on page 393 for our Tuesdays with Dorie group. I was pretty challenged by this one for several reasons...first off for some reason my custard would not set at only 200F so I increased my oven temp to 300 and I finally got what you see above...

Next, I was pretty nervous about the whole fire what do you do when you don't want to do something? Delegate of course!!! So, while I served Dorie's Upsidedowner Peach Cake (you must try it it is da bomb!!!) I left my DH in charge of the sugar and the torch...

Isn't he lovely? Who couldn't love a man who isn't afraid to burn his own dessert???

We really enjoyed the creme brulee but it would seem that the sugar was a little too thick as it took a bit of effort to break through the top...but we did enjoy it anyway!



  1. what is it with boys and fire?! that always cracks me up.

  2. My boyfriend had to get in on the sugar burning too...LOL! Glad you liked it!

  3. Glad you liked it! Love how the boys always have to get involved playing with fire. Your dishes are to cute!

  4. I'm glad you liked it and had a helper to deal with the fire thing. Beautiful creme brulee.

  5. Now that's a torch! Your brulees look very tasty!

  6. Your torch looks scary and looks like it can beat up my wimpy (by comparison) kitchen torch. :P

  7. Mine wouldn't set either. Had to increase to 350 to get them done. Lucky you with a 'torchy' husband. Mine will eat, he would not 'torch.' Great job.
