
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here I am!!!

I know I have been neglecting my blog over the last few weeks...things have just been so crazy! My week to be spoiled is coming to an end...first Mother's Day and then a few days later it was my birthday so I have really been enjoying myself!

I am so proud of my husband...he has really embraced being a stay at home dad (don't get too comfortable honey...I'm taking over soon!) He even baked a cake with the kids for my birthday!!! This is the first cake he has ever baked and iced!!! He apologized about the orange icing however it was the only colour in the fridge and he just couldn't bring himself to make icing too. Don't worry honey, I forgive you...and no, I am not in any denial about my age...we just didn't have a #2 candle so they called it the anniversary of my 31st birthday! SWEET! I love being spoiled!

Speaking of which, I don't know what happened this year but this is the treasure I got on Mother's Day...who would have thought that there would be an iPod docking station called a 'Ladybug'???? How perfect is that!!! I don't know who is more excited about it DH or me! Isn't it fabulous! In addition to that I got a new digital camera as the one I have been using is my work camera so I will have to turn it in soon enough (only 6 weeks of work left for me!!!)

It's been a great May! Happy Victoria Day to all my Canadian readers!!!

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