
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Creatively Speaking... here is the real reason that I have been slacking...a few weeks ago we starting working on building a patio in our backyard. So there was digging, jackhammering and tonnes of work going on. Sadly I do not have a before picture of this part of the yard but then again, maybe it's not that was in rough shape!

Here is Martin working on removing rubble that was created as a result of the jackhammering.

Fast forward to yesterday...(after having materials delivered and moving a whole lot of flagstone and putting this puzzle together!) Here are the kids helping with filling the spaces...this has been a true family project!

The work crew enjoying their table on the patio. They were so excited about the promotion!!!

Finally DH's first beer on the patio...not quite done yet (there are no stairs going to the door behind him yet!) There are still some details to put together but it is pretty awesome to have an idea what the finished product is going to look like!

Now that we have most of the grunt work done I am hoping that this means I will have more creative time on my hands again! It has been fun working on this project with Martin and the kids was part of what made May so great! (I never thought that spending Mother's Day shovelling screening with my family would make me so happy!)

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