
Tuesday, August 08, 2017

The Arrival of the Princess

After many discussions, the Creative Princess finally agreed to join The St. John's GO Project youth. I couldn't have been more delighted. Seriously.

She flew in incredibly late but we got up early and headed to Cape Spear. What a sight. It was a gorgeous day but a bit just never know when you are going to need a jacket in Newfoundland.

Things got a little more brisk when we hopped onto a whale watching tour in Bay Bulls. The waves were high (according to us), we stood at the bow of the boat and whooped with each swell and drop.

We saw a few whales but they weren't the picture taking type...what we really saw were puffins. Thousands of puffins. I really had no idea the way that these guys close in proximity.

It was amazing watching them fly above and below the water. Such a beautiful creature.

Thank you Gatherall's for a great day out on the sea.

I am so happy I got to share this time and place with my girl. 

So full of awe.
So full of love.
So blessed.

Much love,

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