
Saturday, August 19, 2017

A stop in paradise

The weekend before the Halifax GO Project started, I got in a car and drove (what a treat!) to Camp Berwick. What a place! One of the highlights was running into some friends from Beamsville within minutes of arriving at camp.

The other highlight was an afternoon out with my friend. We had lunch, went to the beach and enjoyed a cone together. She couldn't have made me happier.

 It was so great to get out of the city and see some more of Nova gorgeous.

But the highlight of sights and experiences was the beach. We wandered and played and got wet in the Bay of Fundy.

The Bay of Fundy is seriously one of my favourite spots. So magical with it's tides, sand and views...oh my goodness. Just the sight fills me up.

So empty.
So full.
So blessed.

Much love,

Friday, August 18, 2017


 And then I arrived back in Halifax. Tired, weary even. Full of hope but ready for rest. I took care of me for the weekend. Made myself feel good from the outside.

And then I jumped in a lake. Over and over again. I washed my weariness and exhaustion away...

Filled myself with the hope and energy required for a new program.

With a new light, ready to move ahead and do it all over again with new youth, a new congregation in a new city.

So full of hope.
So full of life.
So full of blessings.

Much love,

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

And then...

 The youth arrived. I will not share their photos here but know that they filled my heart as we went out and worked in St. John's and area.

We stained decks and painted fences. We sorted donations and helped pack care packs to hand out on the streets. We went on a street walk just so we could consider the challenges of being on them. We served lunch and spent time with athletes at Special Olympics Summer Games NL. We gardened for the community, we baked for Ronald McDonald House. We learned about the ocean and the diversity of our home. We prayed together and worshipped together. We cooked together and ate together. We were a community for 11 short days.

We were loved by the people of St. James United Church. They baked for us, drove us and washed our laundry. They walked with us and loved us.

All the while, we took in their beautiful home...

We shared our message as we went out into their community.

And we went out into their community. We loved their community. We saw so much but little of their vast space. And their community, loved us. From the tour guide in the Bell Island Mine, to our bus driver on the Island. They all shared themselves with us.

We left together. Singing together. Drumming together.

Go make a joyful noise.
Go make a home.
Go make a difference.

Much love,

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Goodnight St. John's...

There were a couple of places I found myself at a number of times while I was in NL. Signal Hill was one of those places. Imagine a time when this tower was an important piece of St. John's much history happened there.

I was so happy to take princess there so we could watch the sunset together. I did not get to see enough sunsets while I was there...but this one, was stunning.

I have seen 2 of these Canada 150 signs so far...I wish I could have travelled more to them in a few more provinces.

Ahhh, St. John's. I would come back in a heart beat. You are so beautiful.

And this sky, well...

This sky is so great that we might find it anywhere...if we take the time to look. And that day, we looked.

But, I would only come back if I had my team with me...there are so many things I want to share with them all. So many places, people and so many feelings.

Full of love.
Full of beauty.
Full of life.

Much love,

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

The Arrival of the Princess

After many discussions, the Creative Princess finally agreed to join The St. John's GO Project youth. I couldn't have been more delighted. Seriously.

She flew in incredibly late but we got up early and headed to Cape Spear. What a sight. It was a gorgeous day but a bit just never know when you are going to need a jacket in Newfoundland.

Things got a little more brisk when we hopped onto a whale watching tour in Bay Bulls. The waves were high (according to us), we stood at the bow of the boat and whooped with each swell and drop.

We saw a few whales but they weren't the picture taking type...what we really saw were puffins. Thousands of puffins. I really had no idea the way that these guys close in proximity.

It was amazing watching them fly above and below the water. Such a beautiful creature.

Thank you Gatherall's for a great day out on the sea.

I am so happy I got to share this time and place with my girl. 

So full of awe.
So full of love.
So blessed.

Much love,