
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Perspective @ Prom Rock

What does intentional time look like? It looks like hikes, afternoon games and it especially looks like less time spent fretting about work, travel and the other things you can get caught up in. 

What does Perspective look like? It looks like this photo I think...every time I see it I feel disoriented. The children are all standing at different distances from me and it just changes everything. Suddenly Sean looks so tiny, Simon looks like he is moments from being as tall as Sarah and I feel lost. Gosh, are they getting big.

Here they are standing together. Sean is standing a step down so he still looks tiny. I think it's how he's been feeling lately too. So many things happening outside of his control. I can confidently say that I have no desire to be a teenager ever again. There is just always so much.

Except when there's a pot of soup to cook up in a fissure of a rock. Then there's just that. Stirring, adding leaves and pebbles. Just be.

Sometimes we need help to just be. This guy is the part of my life that keeps me calm. Teaches me to slow down. Reminds me to breathe.

So gorgeous.
So full of life.
So blessed.

Much love from Balls Falls,

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