
Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Glimpse

My first full day in NL I was promised a day of 'adventuring'. We would hunt whales, ice bergs and see (some of) the sites in the area.

I can't even say where we started anymore. NL is stunning. NL is awesome (as in awe-mazing). No matter the direction you look, there is a view to take in.

This is from the docks of The Colony of Avalon. Pretty amazing. There is an archaeological dig there revealing what is believed to be one of the first colonies in NL. Crazy right? I have photos of that too but...perhaps I will share them another time.

I found this in a local gift shop. I didn't purchase it as I don't dig bologna BUT how much more NL can you get?!? I loves it!

Cape Spear is the most Easterly point of North America (or so I've been told!) It is stunning. Honestly, behind words. For perspective look for the (crazy) person standing down on the rocks. Everything is SO big here.

Signal Hill overlooks the city of St. John's. Cabot Tower was just built in 1898 (it's the same age our house!) The interesting thing about St. John's is that the city isn't really very old. They have had a number of devastating fires that have lead to the city being rebuilt a couple of time (no quoting me here!)

Signal Hill is the perfect location for military reasons (or at least it was). You can see the city from one side of the hill.

And right out into the Atlantic Ocean from the other side. There are some amazing looking trails around the hill that I am hoping to enjoy in the coming I said, Saturday was about having a glimpse of many things.

By the time our tour was over late Saturday afternoon, I was exhausted. It was simply so much to take in. All so overwhelmingly gorgeous (did I already say that?)

So Big.
So Beautiful.
So Awe-some.

Much love,

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