
Monday, May 22, 2017

Choosing my Path

This week's work challenge was 8 adults ages 18 to well, me! living together in one gorgeous, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home in Paris Ontario. After working with the Youth Coordinator team last week, I had some idea of what to expect. But not really.

This would be our opportunity to really create our own community. To expose our roots and lift each other up. Working with The GO! Project isn't just about running programs, it's about holding each other up and helping each other shine. Being awesome together.

I loved being in Paris with the team. It is such an overwhelmingly gorgeous town. Filled with century homes, near the Grand River packed with history and community.  Heading out on this gorgeous path laid out in front of us...

With hurdles to climb...

Paths to choose...

And so much to look forward to.

 A summer that each of us was called to, in our own way. A summer of discernment for all of us as we continue our journeys.

Each week, I struggle. I struggle to leave home then I struggle to leave my new home, my GO family.
Each week, new ties are made and bonds become stronger.

So excited.
So overwhelmed.
So blessed.

Much love from Paris (Ontario),

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