
Thursday, October 08, 2015

You made whatnow!?!

You mother dropped her old sewing machine off at our house in Toronto about 13 years ago and I couldn't even thread the thing (it's true!) In fact, I didn't want it. I just wanted her to sew for me! I spent a lot of years using it once in awhile, cursing the whole time but then one day I started to use it more and then more and then...

I found myself making jeans!?! So crazy! Being part of a pattern test can be fun but sometimes it is hard work! Suzanne of Winter Wear Designs worked hard with each of us to find the perfect fit and to build the tutorial into something great so everyone can make them too!

So here they version at least! The Real Deal Jeans by Winter Wear Designs!

 I wore these all summer and I just love them! The only unfortunate bit is that my fabric doesn't have great recovery so as they day goes on they stretch. I just need to add some belt loops and I'll be ready to go again!

If you are looking for some pants to get ready for cooler days ahead...consider these. They are comfortable and you can make them 100% yours!


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