
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Wrigley Fun!

Sometimes, I sew so much that I forget what I've done...the Creative Princess was wearing these tees recently and I smiled..because I really love them. They are fun, playful and colourful...everything a girl should be wearing (if you ask me!)

 You KNOW I love testing patterns! AND I'm always super excited when I get picked. It's not a foregone conclusion, there are lots of times I don't get picked and I don't apply for every pattern I see...just ones that I think will work for my crew here...

SO here it is Love Notions' Wrigley Raglan. Tami at Love Notions works really hard with her testers to make sure the fit is perfect. In fact, that's why I made 2 in the testing period this time around...there were some adjustments made and so I sewed up a second version to see how it worked on my girl.

 This pattern is another fun upcycling pattern. I seriously love that! I love that this was one of my mother's tees and now the Creative Princess can enjoy it...and let's be honest. It's appropriate for her age (she was almost 13 when I made it).

These next photos are from when after the adjustments were made. You can see, it's a little broader in the shoulders and the hood is a little roomier. This tee is from when we travelled to the Crayola Factory in PA about 8 years with my was my mom's shirt too!

She loves her new tees and so do I!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bloomin' Shorts!

We really love testing for Suzanne at Winter Wear Designs so when she asked about this pattern the princess and I were pumped! As my fabric selection is decreasing, I have been getting a little more creative in my designs! We were thrilled with the outcome of these!!!

I was digging through my upcycling bin looking for fabric to test this pattern with when I came across this Winnie the Pooh shirt that's been hanging around in there for sometime...the pockets are optional but I knew the Creative Princess would want to try them out so I spent a little extra time working these out...

So that we could get just the right placement for that cupcake...mmm

It was fun to put these together and the Creative Princess loved them all summer long since we don't have a/c. They were perfect for pjs...BUT she also loves shorties like these for under her dresses! These are the Toute de Suite Bloomer Shorts...go check 'em out!


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Back to the basics...

When the opportunity came up to test Dandelions 'n' Dungarees fashion basics, we were all over that! turned out my fabric options were beginning to feel I posted this picture. Do these work together? 

Mr. CB was a firm no but we disagreed so we forged ahead happily sewing along! This pattern has a dress, skirt and tee option. We went with the skirt and tee as the Creative Princess doesn't really wear dresses to school but she will wear skirts there (I don't know, don't ask!)

So the mistake with the first photo is that it wasn't in good light because once we went outside, we were thrilled!

There is one small change we made (and you can't see it here) but we built in some shorts to make it a skort. Skorts are truly essential in the Princess' wardrobe. She doesn't want to worry about what she's showing off when she's out playing. 

I love the simple finish on the shirt. It's cozy and easy to wear. The skirt is full and fun great for twirling but the yoke takes the bulk away from the waist which we definitely prefer.

Cozy, simple, measures up for sure!

Go check it out...


Thursday, October 08, 2015

You made whatnow!?!

You mother dropped her old sewing machine off at our house in Toronto about 13 years ago and I couldn't even thread the thing (it's true!) In fact, I didn't want it. I just wanted her to sew for me! I spent a lot of years using it once in awhile, cursing the whole time but then one day I started to use it more and then more and then...

I found myself making jeans!?! So crazy! Being part of a pattern test can be fun but sometimes it is hard work! Suzanne of Winter Wear Designs worked hard with each of us to find the perfect fit and to build the tutorial into something great so everyone can make them too!

So here they version at least! The Real Deal Jeans by Winter Wear Designs!

 I wore these all summer and I just love them! The only unfortunate bit is that my fabric doesn't have great recovery so as they day goes on they stretch. I just need to add some belt loops and I'll be ready to go again!

If you are looking for some pants to get ready for cooler days ahead...consider these. They are comfortable and you can make them 100% yours!


Monday, October 05, 2015

Goodness Gracious!

More lined pants!

This time the pattern is made to be lined. This pattern is the Everest Pants designed by Gracious Threads for One Thimble Magazine. Do you know what I love most about making my boys pants? This boy in particular is long and lean. So...these pants are size 7 in the waist and size 10 in the length and I love the fit!

These pants are lined with polar fleece and made with a nice stretch twill. My Middle Man LOVES them!

 I'm not sure where and when you can get these pants but I'll update this post if I figure it out!

Pattern Specs:
Pattern: Everest Pants, Gracious Threads
Sizes: 2-12
Fabrics: Knits or Stretchy Wovens.
Difficulty: Adventurous Beginner


Friday, October 02, 2015

Sometimes a girl is just a girl...

This post is more than delayed but I'm going to go ahead with it anyway...

We were fortunate enough to test Filles a Maman Clementine Shorts when they came out with the ladies bundle...even though the Creative Princess measured up with the ladies sizes in the waist and hips...they just didn't work. We had some serious bunching...soo...

We did the only thing we could do...we tested the girls' add on pack! These are a more relaxed fit than the ladies to accommodate growing girls and the fit makes so much more sense on the Creative Princess (although she did love the legs on the ladies!)

The bunching is all cleared up and we've got a happy girl!

So, sometimes...a girl is just a girl...and we shouldn't try so hard to make them grow up I think! She loved these shorts and wore them lots over the summer! 
