
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Rose by any other name...

I know, I know...this seems like a lot of dresses for the Creative Princess lately but she loves them and wears them to school and church pretty regularly. This is especially the case with the nicer weather finally making an appearance. 

Besides, this dress is is the Brueram Dress by Sofilantjes. I know what you are what? Well, Brueram is Heather is Latin! Who knew, right? Well, apparently someone did!

I am delighted with this know why? It used up more fabric from my stash, we'll talk about that later and I learned more about sewing on this one!

It's hard to see it here but I learned about under stitching and finally took a chance and did some shirring! I also had a little fun and lined the bodice with hot pink. My friend likened it to a surprise inside a purse. She was delighted and I think the Creative Princess likes it too! (She's already worn this dress wasn't a hard sell!)

Pattern Specs:
Pattern: Brueram Dress
Sizes: 12months -14
Fabrics: Wovens - lightweights are better for draping
Difficultly: Intermediate


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