
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Flipping Over Disney (with the Ethan!)

 Did you all see my post last week about the Creative Princess' new shirt? I promise it's a lot better than the Emperor's New Clothes!

I was SO excited about the final product that I shared it on the Scientific Seamstress Lab Group Facebook Page. This page is for sewers who love Scientific Seamstress patterns and want to share what they have on their sewing table. It was SO well received that I offered to do a tutorial.

I, of course, had NO idea what I was getting myself into (nothing new there!) I was making more of these anyway so why not? Right? After much ado I have now made this shirt 5 times, I've got most of the known kinks out of it and I am thrilled with the final products!

These ones have a new twist...take a look!

  •  The Creative Princess chose those buttons herself (they are sparkly!) 
  • Who doesn't LOVE eyelet fabric?! The sleeves are killing me!
  • Oh and did you notice who inspired this shirt?

You bet! It's Minnie Mouse! She also brought a few of her friends to the party! Can you name these princesses?

These shirts have been seriously fun to make and I really love them! Go check out my tutorial at the Scientific Seamstress Blog (I'm SO excited about this!!!)


1 comment:

  1. YEA you for doing another flip AND for sharing a tutorial!! That's glad these dresses have been such the hit in your household!
