
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Family Fun Workshop!

When I donated a two hour session of cupcake baking and decorating to Community Living I never anticipated that a mom would decide to bring along her 2 young children, her mother and her mother-in-law! It ended up being SO much fun for everyone! (Myself included!)

The antics were endless...with the kids and the grammas! I think everyone made some great memories while they were here and some great cupcakes too!
 One of the grammas...said (and I quote) "I am going to need to go to one of my groups after this!" This was after we started crushing Oreos to dip our cupcakes in and then topped them with 2 mini Oreos for a Mickey effect.
You know I love my work and one of the things that keeps it fresh is the people that join me in my adventures! So why not consider booking a session for your family? Cupcake decorating, Scrapbooking, even Shrink Art isn't just for kids you know! We all need a release...a break from reality. Why not come and get your creative juices flowing!


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