
Friday, July 27, 2012

Sew What?! Creative Camps 2012

We started our week by talking about some sewing basics...among them the expression "Measure Twice, Cut Once". Everyone enjoyed this layout and was excited to move onto their first projects of the week!
We started off our week by working on aprons and water bottle holders. We made some appliques, did some hand stitching and had fun!
 Next up? Dresses! We used already made shirts, cut them and added fabric to suit the tastes of the stylists to create custom dresses for everyone!
This project was very popular with these future artists! We made art totes and decorated them with images and personalized them all with the girls' names!
 The big winner of the week? Our monster pillows! They were SO fun to watch the girls put together!

 Boy did I ever have a great week!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grill King!

This cake was for my step-father...this time of year you can usually find him at the BBQ. In fact, just yesterday I saw him wearing a t-shirt that the kids made him that said "Grill King" on it with the picture of a BBQ. He is a proud Grampa!
 This was a vanilla cake with chocolate icing. The burgers are brownies...everything you see is edible with the exception of the spatula we stole from our play food bin!
I know he loves the attention and the cakes too! Especially since he now shares his birthday with our little man!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Angry Birds!

Our youngest LOVES Angry Birds...I mean he is obsessed with it! So when we found this Angry Birds Game we knew it was the perfect gift! Then since our tradition is to put toys on the kids make this cake pretty easy!

 I much simpler does it get (it was my most popular cake on Facebook ever!)
 And here we have very happy boy!
 Happy Birthday little man!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday - Musically Speaking!

So when I was asked to do a party with a music took a bit of time...but we came up with a great plan! First of all Shrink Art!
Then we made these fun cupcakes (simple and fun, life is great!)
 And we decorated these books! The birthday girl, who is headed to Holland to study for 3 months was thrilled to have a journal to bring along!
 We had a great time! And hopefully made some great memories for these girls!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Canada!

I am sorry for the poor orientation of this photo...sometimes I turn my camera the wrong way...what can I say? I get excited!
 We had a lot of fun creating these pages at Community Living!
 But the favourite bit? The cupcakes of course!
To celebrate Canada Day at home we decorated t-shirts (can you believe I have no photos of this!) and We made Maple Leaf Pancakes - an annual tradition!
 We love this reminds us of all that is important...we should all celebrate life - every day!
 Right Simon?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Family Fun Workshop!

When I donated a two hour session of cupcake baking and decorating to Community Living I never anticipated that a mom would decide to bring along her 2 young children, her mother and her mother-in-law! It ended up being SO much fun for everyone! (Myself included!)

The antics were endless...with the kids and the grammas! I think everyone made some great memories while they were here and some great cupcakes too!
 One of the grammas...said (and I quote) "I am going to need to go to one of my groups after this!" This was after we started crushing Oreos to dip our cupcakes in and then topped them with 2 mini Oreos for a Mickey effect.
You know I love my work and one of the things that keeps it fresh is the people that join me in my adventures! So why not consider booking a session for your family? Cupcake decorating, Scrapbooking, even Shrink Art isn't just for kids you know! We all need a release...a break from reality. Why not come and get your creative juices flowing!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Birthday Beauties!

Again, I am really trying to catch up here! This party was in June! I know...where has the time gone right?

This group of girls have been here before! They are so sweet!
 We made cupcakes (of course!)
 And we decorated them!
 We also made necklaces and bath bombs!
Gotta keep trying new fun stuff right? I think so! Just wait till you see what we have planned at our Creative Camps this summer!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Every day we're a day closer...

One of my cousins is expecting. And she is oh so excited! We celebrated with her a few weeks ago (I am very much behind in my blogging these days!)

My gift to her? This cake...
 The baby we are all waiting to meet will be named Lyric Mikhail. He is joining a very musical family.
 And he has a very beautiful mother (I am possibly biased as I love this girl...)
It was a lovely day.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Wanna Pizza Me?!

The last PA Day of the year...I have been holding onto this theme for a while now...and we had SO much fun with it! I love finishing a day with a scrapbook page to remember it by!
The kids each made their own batch of dough from scratch...
And we made Pizza Cupcakes too! We bordered the cupcakes with icing, filled the centre with jam and topped it with grated white chocolate and sliced nibs!
We also decorated aprons!
And boy, were the kids ever excited to dig in! (Everyone took their pizza home...this is one of the ones that was created by my kids!)
Nothing like having Pizza and Dessert delivered by your own children!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Creative Cake Camp 2012!

Wow! What a week we had! We started off with t-shirts (the children chose between "This is how I Roll" and "Keep Calm and Bake On"), Fish Cupcakes and Fish Scrapbook Pages! We also played games throughout the days so the kids could enjoy some time outside and have fun getting to know each other.

On Day 2 we got right into baking so that we could make our "Nature" Cupcakes and Scrapbook Page. I showed the children how to do a Bumblebee, Lady Bug and an Owl and they created the other 3 on their own. It was fantastic watching them get to work!

Day 3 there was more baking to be done! We worked on Lollipop cakes, enjoyed Popsicles we made the day before and started Cake Pops!
 On Day 4 we got those Cake Pops working for us! Thank goodness for that! They were delicious!
 We also started some figure modelling for our final cake on Day 4 This was a highlight...the children enjoyed it so much we spent a little extra time working on it!
 Finally! Day 5 we iced and covered our cakes then began to decorate them with the pieces the children had made. Again, I worked with them on the red bird and one pig and they went on from there.
 The highlights of the week were games with Michelle (Mother May I? was a big favourite!), Figure Modelling and Baking!

We are looking forward to Sew What?! running the week of July 16th! Then we move onto Creative Cooks, Sew Much More and our last camp is Rainbow Connection! It's going to be a jam packed summer full of Creative Adventures!


The fruit of summer!

A while back one of the regular participants at Community Living asked if we could make Rice Krispie Squares...well, I never take the easy way (well, rarely at least!) So we used Jello to dye the Rice Krispies and packed them in the outside of our pan...
Then we filled the centre in with red rice krispies (dyed with red jello) and added some chocolate chips...and that's how we made watermelon!
But that didn't fill our full time so we did some scrapbooking...
See how great they look together?
And we finished the day with some nice cold watermelon!
This was back in June but it is a lot of should definitely try it!
