
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do you want fries with that?

Sometimes we get lucky...and today was one of those days for sure! I pulled together a fun workshop for Community Living with a Hamburger Theme that could easily be a Father's Day gift or just something fun to share with a friend.

First we got a cake, cupcakes and brownies in the oven...then while we waited we made Burger Cards (I got the idea for the cards here).
 Next up? The cake was ready so we started making some fries!
 And we cut our burgers, sliced our buns and set to work putting the condiments on!
 See that? I even found some food baskets to put it all in!
 We wrapped them all up, tied the card on and voila!
 Another great workshop!
 I just love this card idea!
I hated choosing just one photo! Everyone enjoyed this workshop! It's fun making food into something new! Next I'll show you how we made our own watermelon! Another fun interpretation!


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