
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do you want fries with that?

Sometimes we get lucky...and today was one of those days for sure! I pulled together a fun workshop for Community Living with a Hamburger Theme that could easily be a Father's Day gift or just something fun to share with a friend.

First we got a cake, cupcakes and brownies in the oven...then while we waited we made Burger Cards (I got the idea for the cards here).
 Next up? The cake was ready so we started making some fries!
 And we cut our burgers, sliced our buns and set to work putting the condiments on!
 See that? I even found some food baskets to put it all in!
 We wrapped them all up, tied the card on and voila!
 Another great workshop!
 I just love this card idea!
I hated choosing just one photo! Everyone enjoyed this workshop! It's fun making food into something new! Next I'll show you how we made our own watermelon! Another fun interpretation!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Road Trips, Ice IS a zoo!

When I put together my proposal for Scrapbook Club I never imagined I would get the response I did. I sent my proposal to 3 schools. There wasn't a moment's hesitation for 2 of those schools. We set it up and started registration...8 weeks to create a fun, memorable book to share summer moments in...
We have used colour, stamps, die cuts, loads of glue...
Shaving cream...
Heat embossing (this is a favourite!)
We have worked in groups, I have seen some of the older participants helping younger ones, friendships have been created and solidified...I have gotten to know 38 children better over the last 6 weeks and have enjoyed every moment of it.

I can't wait to share what they have created with you...but unless you are their parent, one of their teachers or someone who touches their lives you can't really see what they have created. They stand a little taller, smile a little broader and have learned so much.

Enjoy (I know I will!)

Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Frog and his Princess!

I love it when I get some boys in the crowd...they especially love to use my mixer!
We've got cupcakes to get in the oven...
And Shrink Art to colour...
And a birthday to celebrate!
Mini Notebooks...
Shrink Art Keychains...
Another great day in the workshop!


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Have a cuppa tea!

Any Great Big Sea fans out there? My kids love them (as do I!) One of their favourite songs is 'Have a Cuppa Tea''s a fun song that is easy to sing along to.

Anyway, as part of my Mother's Day projects at Community Living we made a Tea Wreath. You can find lots of versions of these on-line. I made my a little smaller and a little simpler but everyone loved it none the less!
 I made a sample ahead of time so that they could see what I had planned (I don't always) so on my way home I hung my wreath on on a friend's porch. Can you see the little tea cup card I made to go with it?
 She was pretty delighted to come home to this...

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Who let the pups out???

When I got the call from this mom she was very specific...there needed to be Pup-cakes at this party! I love unique requests and opportunities to make the party kids especially happy!

So we baked...
And coloured...
And shrunk! (but look at those aweome hairstyles!)
And made pup-cakes!
Happy Birthday to you!
This sweet girl is coming back soon for some of our summer camps...I can't wait to see her again!


Sunday, June 03, 2012

God Bless

I was asked to do a First Communion Cake recently...Something simple perhaps? For a sweet pink loving girl!
 I had fun creating this cake with the silver accents, the flowers and the fun tassel!
 I hope the girl of honour enjoyed her sweet Pink Lemonade Cake and that she had a fabulous day.
