
Sunday, March 04, 2012

Scrappin for me (err you!)

These photos have been waiting to be uploaded for over a week. Where have I been? Nowhere really...just not feeling 100% yet trying to get better I suppose. Reading Harry Potter to the kids, trying to keep up with day to day stuff and doing some baking.

A few weeks ago at Community Living we worked on making scrapbook pages that would showcase a bit about 
We had fun creating a blocking effect and then doodle stamping over top to tie it all together.
Everyone got in on it and chose some of their favourite colours...
Then we filled out a little bit about ourselves...
And brought it all together.
The fun thing about the project was everyone's was so them.
And there is something about a scrapbooking mess that kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...perhaps it's just me but I do think it's magic!

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