
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. CB!

This post is also late...I have some serious catching up to do! You see Mr. CB's birthday is one month before Christmas. Exactly ONE month. So, you do the math.  I am late, again!

The highlight of his cousin went out with us and took photos of the kids...we framed these 3 for him to enjoy. Pretty sweet eh?

Next? I told him a colleague ordered a cake from me, showed it off to him throughout the entire process and guess what? He brought his own birthday cake to work and didn't know it...
 So he enjoyed a vanilla cake with vanilla filling with his colleagues...
 Then, after we madly rushed to the mall and printed the photos and got them into the frame I bought, we picked him up from work, went out for supper and enjoyed this cake...
I apologize for the crumby photos, I forgot to take some before we left the house and restaurant photos just never seem to work. Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Filling all covered in Chocolate Ganache. Rich goodness. Yum!

The last bit of his birthday? The Money Pit. Yep, I got him the movie hoping he would share a laugh with me as we often refer to our own home as The Money Pit. We watched it together and we laughed.


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