
Saturday, December 10, 2011

1st Annual Cookie Exchange!

Yes, yes...I said annual. I have never been invited to a cookie exchange but always dreamed of being a part of one (everyone's gotta have dreams - big and small, right?) SO, inspiration struck and I decided to host one. BUT, with a Creative Bug twist...
What was the twist? Everyone arrived at Creative Bug HQ with bowls, hand mixers, cookie sheets and containers in hand...and they baked the recipes that I chose and it all happened IN my workshop!
We made Hello Dollys!
And Shortbread!
We spent time together...mothers and daughters of ALL ages...
Sisters and friends...
3 the confines of my workshop.

So, what do you get when you put together 12 people and a whole lot of butter and sugar? 10 different kinds of cookies totalling to about 6 dozen, a clean kitchen and a whole lot of fun!

I had a few people promise they will come back next year. It was a glorious moment in the Creative Kitchen. I am glad my mother was there to see it all see my vision come to life. I know it's just cookies but there was more to it than year, you'll have to book early because we were full this year!


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