
Sunday, August 21, 2011

I like to party, party!

So, the theme of this year's birthday party was The Beach...I thought I could make a fruit tray resemble a beach ball but in the end, it was just a fruit tray. I tried!
We did sand art. The kids loved it! It was fun to watch them create their masterpieces!
Aren't they neat? I love those tall bottles! And do you know what? They were only $1.69 at Michaels. Seriously!
I glued, taped and sewed to create our bean bag toss game. I did it on a plastic board. Next time it will be on wood for sure! The kids loved it!
Sarah helped decorate the cupcakes...
We kept it really simple. And I couldn't find the shorter rod for my cupcake stand (it was all so rush, rush over here!)
We didn't have a photographer this year. With the renovations on the workshop and how busy we have been I just didn't get to it. So that is it for photos this time...We did have a lovely time was good to see our friends and family!


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