
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tea for Five?

I have been wanting to have a tea party for we decided to invite a few friends over for Princess' party...please forgive the photos...the dining room isn't very accommodating in terms of lighting!
One of the girls was calling the party a Lemonade Party since we had Lemonade rather than tea...I kind of liked it! ;)
The birthday girl! I shall have to get her her very own tea cup...that is my Lily of the Valley Cup from when I was a girl!
You know I hate to disappoint my fans...we did a quick craft and made mini purses!
Here are our guests. Aren't they lovely?Oh and another guest!
Princess was delighted with her Tangled Cake and doll! It was a little tricky for me since the cake cracked when I tried to put the doll in...I managed make do but it wasn't easy!


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