
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday to me...

I can't believe that my birthday was more than 2 weeks ago now! So crazy! I got some pretty sweet gifts though!

My friends from Acts of Sweetness brought me some sweets!
Sarah and Mr. CB chose this...even though Sean insisted I already had it. Mr. CB gave me this very same, very lovely book for Christmas. Oops! If you haven't met Bakerella, go give her some love because she is awesome!
Oh and this is from the BEST Mum ever! I know that this one will make The Happy Baker you SEE that pink hammer in there Erin? If you haven't bought Erin's book go do it! And don't forget to get copies for your mom and all your besties too!
I didn't get a photo but Mr. CB also picked up a copy of Glee Season 1 for me! 'Cause we all need a little (well, maybe a LOT) of glee in our lives!

Finally, here I am with Ken from Community Care...he was sweet enough to stop by our Grand Re-Opening. These are some of the wonderful toys we collected for the Birthday Room at Community Care West Niagara. I am very proud to be their partner and look forward to making some of their clients feel special on their birthdays!

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