
Monday, March 14, 2011

Until further notice...

It's been too long since I stopped by. I know some of you do not follow me on Facebook so you aren't up to date on everything so here it is...

Just over a week ago we started renovations. They seemed simple enough. We were going to make my workshop everything I needed/dreamed of. Easy, right?

Maybe not. After beginning work last Saturday night I headed to the Town office on Monday morning to get a permit. It appears as though I said an ugly word. One word. Commercial. It would seem that honesty doesn't do much good in these cases as I have had many contractors shake their heads knowingly at me.

So, here I sit with my workshop gutted, a couple of walls framed, plumbing and electrical ready for the next I sit in a deadlock. You see there are some regulations that are up for interpretation and those regulations could mean the end of Creative Bug. I am not trying to be melodramatic here. We are a single income family. Creative Bug is a fledgling business. After 2 years of running the business at my pace I was heading toward a profit. But we cannot possibly absorb the sort of expenses that they are talking about into our household budget.

I have a party tonight and a couple of workshops coming up this week but after that? It's hard to say. I have a cake or 2 that I have committed to, which will now have to be baked off-site.

I love what I do now more than I ever thought I could...and there are other avenues that I can take the business without the workshop but boy is this ever breaking my heart. Nothing will ever compare to spending PD Days with the kids I have gotten to know.

So, now....more than ever I need you. All of you. Please take moment for Creative Bug and what it means to you and maybe, just maybe...Creative Bug will get through this.

Thank you for being there,


  1. Oh my dear Creative Bug!! How I wish that I could offer you an in-person hug. My heart is saddened to think that the Creative Bug model could disappear due to bureaucratic crap. You bring a shining light to the world and a smile to many faces. If my wishes are worth anything, this will be resolved in your favour. Love you always 'kid'. Brenda

  2. What a way to treat someone who is trying so hard to use her great creativity to add to the economy!

  3. My friend,
    I'm going to call a friend of mine who is a smallbusiness woman, though she doesn't have health regs to deal with - she, from what I understand, would be an excellent resource for you. I'll let you know ...
    but try these:

    You have an awesome, supported business, you deserve to go legit & draw on the resources available.

    Hang in there...

  4. Creative Bug, I sit here with tears in my eyes with the thought of me & my 3 years old not being able to enjoy one of your amazing workshops/events together and finally get to meet you in person. I only found out about you less than a year ago and your amazing journey is so in inspiring. This is one of the rocks in the road that small businesses come to. You are a wonderful person & this will be challenge for you but you take any challenge & make a master piece so please remain positive. You started with a dream & you must continue the dream. I wish there was a way to help so if there ever is please let your fans know. Hugs.

  5. Heather, you are a natural born teacher. Your enthusiasm and creativity is such a gift to every child that comes your way. Creativity is what made breakthroughs possible in every way. We need more people like you, inspiring our future leaders and encouraging the children who will take on the world.

    There was a time when people thought we would never fly, nor make it to the moon. Someone with creativity unbound decided to go beyond the laws of nature, of gravity. This is what a creative mind does, and makes so many other things possible. Your work with the kids has an impact far beyond what you will ever know or see.

    I'm still open to being adopted by your family, by the way.

    Lots of love and well wishes. Persevere, you have come so far. Where there's a will there's a way.

