
Monday, January 24, 2011

Rock and Roll is here to stay...

When I was asked to make a cake for my niece's birthday I was delighted! Then I found out that she was having a Rock Theme...I was so excited! My first chance to create my take on the guitar cake! Then I realized I was going to have make strings...LONG strings. So, off to Google I went and discovered it was a lot easier done than said! Whew!I had so much fun making this cake...from the design and sculpting to the decorating. It took me a while to figure out who I was going to make the most of my 11x17 cake and still get a great guitar but after some brainstorming, I came up with the perfect plan.
And it worked! I had a very happy birthday girl...and not just because of the cake. I would have been pretty happy to celebrate my birthday in the castle with crafts, dress-up clothes and dancing that she had too!
It was a fabulous day!

Happy Birthday Rachel!
Auntie Heather

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