
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Creative Christmas Fun!

There is usually a rule in our Christmas until after Mr. CB's Birthday. Here's the tricky part...we celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago so I have kind of moved on...just one problem...his birthday is this week! I have no cake planned so if anyone has a brilliant plan for me please step forward now! :)

Running a crafty business I am always trying to think of the holidays (that's all holidays) in advance. And since we all get SO busy in December, we had our Creative Kids Christmas Edition this past weekend. It was a busy one!

Our first craft were these Sweet Snowmen! They were fun and the kids just loved stuffing the jars full of marshmallows!
Next we made Elf Shoe cards...there were some pretty serious designer stockings going on for sure!
Here is our little collection...we took a break for some popcorn after finishing the first 2 crafts! Everyone needed a moment to collect themselves before we carried on.
THEN, we got out the sizzle! I love this stuff and have tonnes of it! I haven't used it in so long I almost forgot about it! I need to find more sizzle projects for sure!
We filled glass ornaments with the sizzle, made tags (everyone signed the back with their name and the year)...
But the highlight was the Santa Buckle and Belt...yep, that's right we made Santa Bellies!
Then we wrapped everything up and sent everyone home!
It was a very inspiring afternoon for me...Creative Kids is a tricky part of my business. I often think I am going to cancel it and then all of the sudden I have 8 children at my table (like on Sunday) and Mr. CB and I have so much fun with them! Mr. CB used to help out a lot more with the business but since he started working Saturdays and I started doing birthday parties things have changed...this is one of his chances to get in there and have some fun with the kids.

Enjoy, we sure did!

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